With more and more companies transitioning to a remote workforce, they gain access to a global pool of talent that can help drive business growth. But—international hiring can be a complicated process when you don’t know where to start. Truss can help get you started on a path to a remote global workforce.
To provide companies with more detailed and in-depth global hiring services, Truss has partnered with Mellow—formerly part of the Solar Staff company—to serve businesses across the globe better. The partnership with Mellow provides potential customers with increased access to global hiring services to help your company find the perfect fit for your team – regardless of where you are looking or if you are in search of full-time employees or remote freelancers.
Contact the Truss Team today to learn more about the global hiring services available with the partnership between Truss and Mellow!
READ MORE: Find an Employer of Record in Central Asia
Who is Mellow?

Mellow is a global HR platform that helps companies adapt to the new reality of work. While previously businesses worked with contractors on a one-off basis, they have become critical workforce members. This has required businesses to shift their processes. Mellow makes this easy. For example, some companies might hesitate to work with contractors because of risks or regulations. Mellow assumes these, including the most contentious issues, such as misclassification. However, because the Mellow platform has solutions for both parties, they also help project-based workers, ensuring they get paid and receive benefits. This way, Mellow bridges the gap between contractors and full-time employees without forcing them to change their work statuses.
What Makes Mellow Unique?
Mellow aims to smooth out collaborations between companies in the US, the UK, and Europe and their contractors, eliminating legal, financial, or managerial hurdles. Mellow has pursued this mission for ten years. Still, the past two years clarified the need for a fresh approach, and Mellow decided to create a new company with its team, brand, positioning, and infrastructure—something they’ve never done before.
Two perspectives set Mellow apart from similar platforms or solutions in the market: vision and service. In terms of vision, Mellow sees the future of work as project-based, which is why they focus exclusively on contractors, don’t offer employer-of-record (EOR) services, and are not interested in building another all-encompassing HR platform.
They provide a self-service platform, and Mellow treats its clients as partners, tailoring solutions to their needs. Other distinctive factors include their pay-as-you-go pricing model. Just like Truss, they don’t believe in nickel-and-diming our customers.
How has Mellow Evolved Over the Last Couple of Years?
In 2014, Pavel Shynkarenko founded his first tech company, Solar Staff. Initially, the firm provided solutions for service deal optimization. This gradually led to creation of a multi-tool platform that capitalizes on Solar Staff’s decade-long work in this field and responds to the growing demand for specialized solutions for long-term interactions with contractors.
Thus, Solar Staff, as a global company, pivoted to Mellow. Even though Mellow was launched in May 2024 and has been operational for a few months, leveraging Solar Staff’s client base has accelerated its growth. Mellow is already collaborating with over 1,500 companies and 400,000 contractors in more than 100 countries.
Who is Truss?

When it comes to global hiring and Employer of Record (EOR) services in Central Asia and across the globe – you will be hard-pressed to find a better option than Truss. Truss provides tech companies with a comprehensive global hiring platform that will help you find, recruit, and hire remote and full-time global employees in Central Asia and across the globe.
Much more than a recruiting agency, Truss will help you find and vet potential employees with lower costs and faster time to hire in emerging markets across the globe. Tech companies who partner with Truss will have the benefit of an employer of record service that will help your company remain compliant with local labor laws. The Truss platform will onboard and manage global talent, and will handle global payroll for you and your team.
READ MORE: How To Recruit a Global Remote Team
Why Choose Truss and Mellow for Global Hiring?
Are you interested in finding global talent for your team? Are you looking for more permanent global employees? Maybe you are more interested in freelance employees? With the partnership between Truss and Mellow, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of global recruiting, hiring, onboarding, payroll, and management solutions for your international team.
Tech companies that are interested in full-time remote employees may benefit from an experienced and knowledgeable employer of record service – like that provided by Truss. Businesses that want to supplement their teams with freelance contingent workers may find that an agent of record like Mellow will help them find the perfect fit.
No matter what your international hiring needs may be, the partnership between Truss and Mellow promises to upgrade global hiring services and deliver the results that you need with a winning combination that is tough to beat.
Contact Truss for more information on our products and services!