Truss’s mission is to provide remote employment opportunities to talented individuals in regions that typically lack access to companies in western countries. 

In just a few years, we have opened entities in three emerging markets, established a roster of clients ranging from start-ups to enterprise, employed over 100 developers and built a platform to scale it all. 

The Trip

This summer I was overdue to meet some of our amazing team members and partners in person; off to Uzbekistan and Georgia I went.

The trip was jam packed full of meetings with government agencies, discussions with leaders at educational institutions, and Truss community events.

In both Uzbekistan and Georgia, we slowed down a bit to spend quality time with the team that continues to help build Lincoln Labs and Truss. 


Upon landing in Tashkent, I received the warmest welcome from my Uzbek-American colleague, Kadir, who graciously led us through a packed agenda that even contestants on the “Amazing Race” would find challenging.

We organized Truss events in both Tashkent and Samarkand, where we connected with Truss hires working for our clients and engaged with new talented individuals interested in learning about our mission.

We strengthened our partnership with the IT Park of Uzbekistan, leading to some incredible initiatives that benefit both of our goals.

The highlight was the excursion we organized to bond with our internal team. Over two days, we enjoyed watersports, had some friendly competition on the volleyball court, hiked a mountain with stunning waterfalls at the summit, and savored delicious Uzbek cuisine.

Overall, the warm hospitality was evident everywhere, from the taxi drivers who insisted on lifting my overweight suitcase to the attentive servers at restaurants and even the government agencies we met with were genuine and attentive.

In Uzbekistan, food is a huge part of the culture that everyone is passionate about.  As a somewhat picky eater, I was shocked that I genuinely loved everything I tasted; especially the national dish called Plov. 

My expectations of Tashkent were surpassed once I saw skyscrapers being constructed everywhere you turn. The cityscapes mimic those of Dubai. Outside of Tashkent, the landscapes turn mountainous and are adorned with waterfalls while Samarkand is an amazing historic city with Mosques, Madrassas and Mausoleums. 

In addition to solidifying partnerships with universities and the IT Park of Uzbekistan, spending time with our team was the most rewarding. Working remotely can provide amazing opportunities and flexibility to those worldwide; but nothing can compare to face-to-face interaction. 

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Upon landing in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, I instantly felt as if I were in a European city. The place had a vibrant buzz with its unique architecture, stylishly dressed people strolling the streets, murals decorating buildings, and trendy coffee shops and restaurants.

After our Truss event in Tbilisi, we set off for the Adjarian mountains for an excursion with our internal team. The winding roads in our three-row passenger vans left a few of us queasy, but the moment we arrived at our glamping site, we were revived with new energy. The panoramic views were absolutely stunning, with lush landscapes and towering peaks that took our breath away. <pictures>

The night sky was full of stars, a guitar was passed around a roaring campfire, and we learned about each other’s lives outside of work – again I was reminded that times like these are so special and important to have even though we can efficiently work together through slack and zoom.

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To many, this region of the world remains mysterious. While some may initially think of geopolitical challenges of the past, for decades now the government has been dedicated to investing in the tech sector, and the people are enthusiastic about seizing these new opportunities.

Over the past decade, our team in the US has had the privilege of working with individuals from this region, and we are consistently inspired by their hard work, integrity, and remarkable talent.

While working remotely is essential to the success of Truss, the benefits of in-person collaboration far exceed the investment required to facilitate it. 

These events play a crucial role in enhancing motivation, fostering loyalty, and reducing attrition. Providing opportunities for team members to bond on a personal level, build trust and camaraderie translates into stronger working relationships.

Starting in 2025 and beyond, we’ll leverage this as our competitive edge. Cultivating a strong community is another avenue through which we can support our clients in achieving maximum success with Truss teams. Moving forward, we’ll extend invitations to all of our client’s Truss hires to participate in these exceptional events.