Multi-Colored Background with Truss Logo, Uzbekistan Flag and Purple How To Hire an Employee through and EOR in Uzbekistan Text

Are you looking for talented tech employees in Central Asia? Are you hoping to build a remote global team? When you hire remote employees in a foreign country, there are four primary methods – Open a Local Entity, Use a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), Use an Employer of Record (EOR), or Hire International Contractors.

Here at Truss – we believe that an employer of record is the most efficient and most cost-effective option for tech companies that hope to hire remote employees a world away. When you choose an employer of record in Central Asia, you will partner with a company that minimizes many of the concerns that go hand in hand with international employment. A quality employer of record provider will help onboard new members of your team, handle payroll for international employees, manage employee benefits, handle employee termination, and ensure that your company remains compliant with local labor laws.

Tech companies that have made the decision to hire remote employees in Central Asia – Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Georgia – may find that an employer of record on your side is the right choice. Learn more about how to hire an employee through an EOR in Uzbekistan with the help of Team Truss.

Contact Truss today to find the right fit for your tech company!

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Why Choose an EOR in Uzbekistan?

When you make the decision to hire a remote and global team, you may not know where to start and an employer of record may be the right choice. An employer of record is affordable, efficient, and effective – but you may still be asking why an EOR is the right choice for your company in Uzbekistan. Here is a better look at a few of the benefits of choosing an employer of record to help you grow your international team.

When you make the decision to hire a remote and global team, you may not know where to start and an employer of record may be the right choice. An employer of record is affordable, efficient, and effective – but you may still be asking why an EOR is the right choice for your company in Uzbekistan. Here is a better look at a few of the benefits of choosing an employer of record to help you grow your international team.

Modern Glass Skyscrapers in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Save Time on Paperwork – A quality employer of record provider will help you handle the paperwork and onboarding process when you hire global employees, which will save you time and money.
  • Ensure Compliance with Local Labor Laws – The primary benefit of an employer of record is that they will monitor and ensure that you are compliant with the local labor laws in the country where you hire.
  • Save Money in Hiring – When compared to setting up a local entity, using resources to find and hire individual contractors, or employing a PEO, an employer of record will help you save money – both in setup costs and by managing salaries in foreign countries.
  • More Flexible in Hiring – When you use an employer of record, it allows you to be more flexible in hiring, giving you the option to hire full-time employees or international contractors as needed.
  • Allows for Easy Expansion – Partnering with an employer of record allows you to hire, onboard, and manage global employees faster than other methods that other companies may use.

READ MORE: What You Need to Know About Hiring in Uzbekistan

Step-By-Step Guide to Hiring with an EOR

You have made the decision to grow your remote global team and partner with an employer of record – but how does that process work? What do you need to do to hire employees with an employer of record? We hope that this quick overview will help.

Beautiful Mosaic Buildings in Uzbekistan
  • Establish Your Goals and Parameters – The first step in the process is to determine your goals and parameters for your team. What positions do you want to hire? Where do you want to hire? What skills and experience are you looking for?
  • Find the Right EOR Provider – The next step is to find the right EOR provider to fit your goals and parameters. Truss specializes in helping tech companies find employees in the Central Asia and Eastern Europe regions – with years of experience in countries like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Georgia.
  • Work with Your EOR to Find the Right People – When you work with an EOR provider – like Truss – we will take your parameters into consideration and use that information to help you find the right candidates for the position and draft an EOR contract.
  • Onboard Employees – When you have found the right candidate and they have accepted the position, Truss will handle the onboarding process and create an employment contract that is compliant in the country where you choose to hire.

READ MORE: Global Payroll in Uzbekistan

Hire in Uzbekistan with Truss

Are you ready to build a global team for your tech company? Are you looking for an employer of record in Central Asia? Truss has the knowledge and experience to help you find the perfect fit for your global team in the region. We will help you navigate the in’s and out’s of international employment and remain compliant with local labor laws as your employer of record and we hope this quick overview of how to hire an employee through an EOR in Uzbekistan has helped answer some questions. 

Contact Team Truss today for more information on our services!