Best Regions to Build Your Global Remote Team

When you are considering hiring a team or even a single developer, hiring stateside is a wearisome and costly task that has forced many to think more globally. We’re here to tell you that hiring a global team is the way to go whether it’s to augment your current team or build a whole new team.

The costs are significantly lower, hiring is much easier even in the talent shortage, and you’ll often get a loyal and dedicated team if you pick the right region to hire from. That’s why we are going to explore the best regions to build your global remote team and why we truly believe Central Asia should be your one and only option.

Why is Central Asia the Best Region to Hire in?

Spring in Uzbekistan

There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for the right place to hire your remote team. You want favorable wages, no shortage of labor, favorable tax laws, talent, loyalty, and you want to work without a language barrier.

Central Asia is at the intersection point of all of those factors. An influx of educated migrants has been flooding into Georgia, Uzbekistan, and other Central Asian countries effectively making it one of the few areas on the planet that has a labor surplus right now. As a byproduct of that, wages haven’t seen the spike that has been present in other countries and regions. Most Central Asian countries are looking to push their remote work model which means very favorable tax rates, and the talent in the region is truly second to none.

We’ve done our homework on this matter and we’ve already put together several comparisons including a comparison with Poland, Mexico, Brazil, Latin America, and even India. Not only are all of these countries and regions less favorable for many or all of the factors mentioned above, but they all have lower English literacy per capita than countries in Central Asia.

Read More: Can Workers in Central Asia Speak and Understand English?

Is the Time Zone Difference a Problem With Central Asia?

For many, the time difference is a concern, but for others, it’s an asset. If you’ve worked in software before, how often have you wished you could perform and troubleshoot an update overnight when clients and customers are fast asleep? Perhaps you’ve even paid to have a team work off hours just to do that very thing.

Guess what, with Central Asia, most of their normal work day will be at night with some overlap into our hours. This allows for time to meet up over Zoom and coordinate but still gives you a night-time workforce. If that still isn’t favorable for you, there are many candidates in Central Asia who are willing to work off hours just to accommodate more overlap with our working hours in the States. In short, the time zone difference is only a problem if you make it one.

Why is TRUSS Only Available in Central Asia?

At the backbone of our business philosophy across TRUSS and all other Lincoln Labs properties, we aim to provide the best. We truly believe in the quality and the advantage of talent in Central Asia. TRUSS could easily build entities in other regions where we don’t believe the talent is as good, but building an entity is actually easier. 

We believe in Central Asia so much that our entire development team is located there. Our founders have been using talent from Central Asia for well over a decade, and it’s always been a perfect match for us and we know it will be a perfect match for you too.

Reduce Time to Hire for Software Developers

Hire Talent From Central Asia Today

Let TRUSS provide your bridge to talent from Central Asia today. We can hire from Georgia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan with more Central Asian countries on the horizon. What’s more, with our local hiring team, we can get hiring right away and hire fast with as little as a 10-day time to hire average for some positions. Why wait? Reach out to us today and get started building your remote global team!