How did Businessolver Hire Talent in a Talent Shortage?

How Did Businessolver Hire Talent in a Talent Shortage?

At TRUSS, we love our clients, but we wanted to highlight one client in particular. We’ve put together a short case study showing how TRUSS made global hiring work at Businessolver. Who is Businessolver? Businessolver opened their doors in 1998, providing their clients with benefits administration technology and services. They have more than 1600 employees…

Summerfest Tech 2022 Recap

Summerfest Tech 2022 Recap

The TRUSS team made its first appearance at the Summerfest Tech Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a great experience listening to innovative talks and pitches at amazing venues around Milwaukee.  The event kicked off on Tuesday, June 28th at Saint Kate’s hotel with a warm welcome from David Manske who is the Senior Director…

Common Compliance Mistakes for Remote Work in Uzbekistan

Common Compliance Mistakes for Remote Work in Uzbekistan

Remote work isn’t just a neat idea, it’s nearly a requirement for many tech companies that want to scale rapidly in the current talent market. Uzbekistan had long been underutilized and underrated for its tech talent, and now even more tech talent is migrating to Uzbekistan. If you want to capitalize on the talent there…

Coffee, Experiences and Outlooks - Featuring Our CEO, Eric Hoopman

Coffee, Experiences and Outlooks – Featuring Our CEO, Eric Hoopman

We had the chance to sit down and have coffee with our CEO, Eric Hoopman, to hear some of his life experiences that led him to start Lincoln Labs, which Truss is a part of. How did your career in tech begin? Eric Hoopman and Julia Collins having a chat… Eric: My career started with…

Building the TRUSS brand

Building the TRUSS Brand

By Bowen Hobbs In November 2021, I was asked to build the brand for Lincoln Labs’ new Lab, TRUSS. The only direction I was given was the name, a description of what TRUSS was to be (a platform for hiring and maintaining a global remote workforce), and to use a deep purple. From there, my…

Best Practices For Global Remote Hiring

Best Practices For Global Remote Hiring

So you’re looking to hire, and you want to hire globally. You may need help. Luckily, TRUSS has the experience, and we recently had the opportunity to sit down with our lead recruiter Kate Junina to talk about our best practices for global remote hiring. What Does the Recruiting Process Look Like for TRUSS? First,…

How are Truss and Lincoln Labs Related

How are Truss and Lincoln Labs Related?

We’ve talked a lot about Truss and who we are, the ideas behind our company, and how global remote hiring can work for you. We’ve even taken dives into topics as broad as what is an employer of record and as narrow as how to open an entity in Georgia. All that talking and we’ve…

Our Co-Founder’s Perspective on Global Remote Hiring

Our Co-Founder’s Perspective on Global Remote Hiring

It’s been two months since we had a chance to sit down and interview the people who both work at and with Truss, but this time we managed to corner our CTO and Founder Farrukh Umarov to get a founder’s perspective on global remote hiring. He had a lot to say about his home country…

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Georgia?

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Georgia?

Are you in the midst of developing a global talent team? What country or countries should you turn to? There’s a lot going on in the world today, and the countries you may have considered in the past may no longer be on your shortlist. For the same reasons you might be looking for talent…

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Uzbekistan

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Uzbekistan?

Uzbekistan is quickly turning into an IT hotspot. The Uzbek government has put a lot of emphasis and financial backing behind turning the ancient stop of the Silk Road into a bastion for a blossoming IT economy. Recently, there has been a rush in IT talent migration throughout Eurasia, but why is IT talent migrating…