Our Co-Founder’s Perspective on Global Remote Hiring

Our Co-Founder’s Perspective on Global Remote Hiring

It’s been two months since we had a chance to sit down and interview the people who both work at and with Truss, but this time we managed to corner our CTO and Founder Farrukh Umarov to get a founder’s perspective on global remote hiring. He had a lot to say about his home country…

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Georgia?

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Georgia?

Are you in the midst of developing a global talent team? What country or countries should you turn to? There’s a lot going on in the world today, and the countries you may have considered in the past may no longer be on your shortlist. For the same reasons you might be looking for talent…

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Uzbekistan?

Why is IT Talent Migrating to Uzbekistan?

Uzbekistan is quickly turning into an IT hotspot. The Uzbek government has put a lot of emphasis and financial backing behind turning the ancient stop of the Silk Road into a bastion for a blossoming IT economy. Recently, there has been a rush in IT talent migration throughout Eurasia, but why is IT talent migrating…

The Best Productivity Apps for Remote Workers

The Best Productivity Apps for Remote Workers

So you want to build a remote workforce. When you want remote work to work for you, you’re going to need good software to back you up and keep your workforce both connected and productive. What are the best productivity apps for remote workers? We’re glad you asked. We can give you a rundown of…

What to Consider When Partnering With a Remote Talent Expert

What to Consider When Partnering With a Remote Talent Expert

Someone convinced you that growing a global team is the right move. We hope it was us, but even if it wasn’t it’s still good to find more people who’ve seen the light. But now what? It may seem like you have a lot of options out there, but you should be asking a few…

Top 5 Benefits Asked For by Remote Employees

Top 5 Benefits Asked For by Remote Employees

Whether you are looking to attract new remote employees, keep the ones you have, or you are switching to a remote model, you might be thinking about benefits. Remote work is different than the traditional office structure where even getting a soda fountain can be seen as a big benefit. Who can say no to…

Why Scaling a Tech Company Requires Hiring a Global Remote Team

Why Scaling a Tech Company Requires Hiring a Global Remote Team

Do you have enough engineers to fill out your dream team of software developers right now? Most software and tech companies that have stuck to the old pre-COVID way of doing things are finding it harder and harder to hire developers especially when it comes time to scale and grow. Frankly, that’s the reason Truss…

How to Open a Local Entity Georgia

How to Open a Local Entity Georgia

Opening an entity in Georgia is easy… unless you are talking about the country, which of course we are. There is so much great talent in Georgia with more talent relocating there every day, and the national laws of Georgia make it a very appealing place to hire. Of course, the problem is how do…

Where Can Truss Take You?

Where Can Truss Take You?

Whether you are looking at our blog feed or our social media accounts (like, follow, and comment btw), you can tell that Truss is new. It actually feels weird saying that because we have been hiring people globally for years. There was a difference though. Before, we were doing it for our own business, helping…

Migrating to Uzbekistan: What You Need to Know

Migrating to Uzbekistan: What You Need to Know

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis is giving many a reason to relocate and Uzbekistan is an attractive option for many people and their families. Truss wants to lend a helping hand where we can. We put together this helpful Uzbekistan relocation FAQ that answers a lot of the migration questions we were seeing from our friends and…