Blue Background with White TRUSS Logo and Uzbekistan Flag with White Tech Workers for Hire in Uzbekistan

Tech Workers For Hire in Uzbekistan

Are you a U.S.-based tech company in search of talent to add to your team? Central Asia and Eastern Europe – with countries like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Georgia – are emerging markets for tech companies and are hotbeds of talent for companies looking to hire outside of the United States. Tech companies who want to…

Green Background with White TRUSS Logo and White Best Way to Work with Teams in Different Time Zones Text

Best Way To Work With Teams in Different Time Zones

Are you building a global team for your business, company, or corporation? Do you have remote team members across the United States? When you manage a global or international team, it has its own set of challenges and time zones are a key concern. Many companies want to know – what is the best way…

Yellow Background with Purple TRUSS Logo and Kazakhstan Flag with Purple Tech Workers for Hire in Kazakhstan Text

Tech Workers For Hire in Kazakhstan

Are you a growing tech company that wants to hire and pay top tech talent around the world? Central Asia may be the perfect place for you to start and TRUSS can help you find the talent that your team needs in countries like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia. We know – it is not a…

Hire Software Engineers Globally

Hire Software Engineers Globally

Are you a growing company? If you are struggling to grow, there could be many reasons including a soft market, product quality, or a lack of funds. Some are even struggling to grow due to a lack of talent. Is that you? Are you trying to find the right software engineers but don’t know where…

Red Background with White TRUSS Logo, Georgia Flag and White Tech Workers for Hire in Georgia Text

Tech Workers For Hire in Georgia

Home to the famed Silk Road – Central Asia has always been an economic hotbed at a global level – and that tradition continues in the modern era as the region has become a hotspot for tech companies who hope to invest in their futures. Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan are just a few examples of…

Orange Background with White TRUSS Logo and White Hire UI Designers Globally Text

Hire UI Designers Globally

Are you expanding the development team at your tech company? Are you looking for talented User Interface (UI) designers to add to your team? Are you struggling to find the right fit here in the United States? TRUSS can help you and your company hire UI designers globally.  The cost of labor continues to rise…

EOR Provider in Central Asia

EOR Provider in Central Asia

Do you want to grow a global team to help you with your product, software, or service? TRUSS is here to tell you why Central Asia may be the best place to get started. Learn all about the region, what the talent is like, and why an EOR is a better option than a PEO….

Best Regions to Build Your Global Remote Team

Best Regions to Build Your Global Remote Team

When you are considering hiring a team or even a single developer, hiring stateside is a wearisome and costly task that has forced many to think more globally. We’re here to tell you that hiring a global team is the way to go whether it’s to augment your current team or build a whole new…

Purple Background with White TRUSS Logo and White How To Find the Right Employer of Record Service Text

How to Find the Right Employer of Record Service

When you choose to hire outside of your country, you will encounter legal obstacles that need to be navigated and an employer of record service – like TRUSS – may be the resource that you need. An employer of record takes on the financial and legal responsibility of employees in a foreign country and will…

Light Purple Background with White TRUSS Logo with White Reduce Time to Hire for Software Developers Text

Reduce Time to Hire for Software Developers

Do you need talented software developers on your team? Do you have a big project and deadline on the calendar? Do you need to upgrade your software development team as soon as possible? TRUSS can help you reduce time to hire for software developers in Central Asia that will add the talent you need to…