Global Team Onboarding Checklist

Global Team Onboarding Checklist

Are you looking to grow a global remote team? Then you might need some help with how to onboard them. Your old onboarding checklist may not apply or it may not apply perfectly at least, and that’s where TRUSS can come in to help and support with our global team onboarding checklist. 6 Things That…

Where Should You Hire Your Global Team: Central Asia vs Brazil

Where Should You Hire Your Global Team: Central Asia vs Brazil

When you are trying to build a team, going remote is the easy and perhaps best option. If you are already going remote, you can dodge the U.S. talent shortage and avoid rising team costs by exploring your global options when building that team. The question then becomes, where should you hire your global team,…

How Does an Employer of Record Work?

How Does an Employer of Record Work?

So you want to hire globally? Or maybe you are just looking for new ways to grow your team? How do you even begin, especially if you are looking to get some global talent? Often, the easiest and best path is to work with an employer of record service, but how does an employer of…

Orange Background with White TRUSS Logo and White Onboarding Best Practices For a Global Team Text

Onboarding Best Practices For a Global Team

Imagine – your tech company has just hired a talented team from Georgia, Uzbekistan, or Kazakhstan. What happens next? You have recruited and hired a global team and now it is time to onboard your brand-new team members, but this team is not the same as your team in the United States and the onboarding…

Green Background with White TRUSS Logo and White Do Overseas Employees Still Get Holiday Pay? Text

Do Overseas Employees Still Get Holiday Pay?

TRUSS is here to help global companies find, recruit, and hire talented tech employees in Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan – but what happens after you hire international employees? We know that you undoubtedly have many questions about global payroll best practices and much more. Many employers want to know – do overseas employees still get…

How Does PTO Work For A Global Team?

How Does PTO Work For A Global Team?

If you are thinking about expanding your team and going global, then perhaps you have some concerns about a variety of things including PTO. How does PTO work for a global team? In truth, it works much like a U.S.-based team. You should provide holidays off, you have local (in our case state and federal)…

Light Purple Background with White TRUSS Logo and White How To Successfully Recruit in Emerging Markets Text

How to Successfully Recruit in Emerging Markets

In a global economy, businesses can find untapped talent across the globe in emerging markets that include Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Tech companies who are in search of talented employees – regardless of where they are located – can find incredible talent and opportunity in emerging markets and TRUSS can help with our innovative…

Yellow Background with Purple TRUSS Logo and Purple What Companies Should Be Hiring in Emerging Markets Text

What Companies Should Be Hiring in Emerging Markets?

TRUSS is here to help your growing business. We provide a global HR and payroll platform that will make finding talent across the globe easier and more effective. Businesses that want to continue to grow their team and their platform are always interested in emerging markets and many want to know – what companies would…

Where Should You Hire Your Global Team: Central Asia vs India

Where Should You Hire Your Global Team: Central Asia vs India

Are you thinking about hiring a global team? Are you considering a few areas or regions? India is a big one, but you should be thinking about Central Asia too. In fact, we think Central Asia is the best place to hire remote tech talent right now, but we’ll show you why in our Central…

What is the Benefit of Hiring in Emerging Markets?

What is the Benefit of Hiring in Emerging Markets?

You’ve heard a lot of talk about global remote hiring. Perhaps even from us here at TRUSS, but even once you decide to hire a global remote team, why would you want to hire from emerging talent markets as opposed to established remote talent markets like India? What is the benefit of hiring in remote…